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Taraariki Creative Trust
70 Old Reservoir Road, RD 4, Paeroa

Taraariki has blessed my life for fifty years, where now, alongside Trish we endeavour to keep a regenerating wilding ecology alive, in the realms of the gardener, the artist, the healer and the lover of the seed. In a small way we maintain the creative spirit inherited from those who came before. We believe deeply in the way of the healer. For the ocean of common unity to heal, so we begin at the spring.


Nau mai piki mai haere mai, .... We welcome you to our place. If you're passing through our beautiful Hauraki, walk yourself in on to the land amidst sculpture and gardens and a way of life we deeply believe in. And you just might find me there. Hey, let's make this next step a good one, how could it not be if you start the day with a cuppa in one of my cups.

Arohanui ki a koutou

Mike & Trish

The Reply
Book available for purchase

Mike O’ Donnell is a grandfather, someone who walks between worlds. A clay worker, sculptor, vessel maker, storyteller, there are times within this book where you may not be sure if it is imaginatory or real. I assure you it is real. There will also be times when you may not be sure if you are reading the words of an Irishman talking or one who is Maori, or Anglo Saxon Kelt or simply that of an old Kiwi or Pepeketua, the frog. He encourages you to be open minded and to rest in the comfort of knowing we receive that which we are prepared for.

The crosses are stations, where you may disembark, have a rest, a cup of tea, perhaps a pie before you climb back on the train of thought, prepared to possibly head off in another direction, but one connected. Do not rush, savour the richness of what your sensories receive, chew on it slowly, and whether bitter or sweet, know it as medicine for the soul, from Mike’s Heart.

Breathe deep.
He is a loving Man.


If you would like to purchase a book, please pay $xx (includes postage and GST) into this account with your name as the reference. Then click the link below to email your address details through:



Any revenue earned from this book will go towards maintaining the dream and the healing of our community at Tarariki Creative Living Design.


Spirit Journey
2023 Documentary

A documentary about the way I work, and the world I enter into. It addresses emotional, mental, spiritual, physical health and our embracing the love of darkness and the role that our waters intelligence plays in the creative expression.


Listening to the waters, listening to the clay, where Pepeketua, an ancient
endemic frog of Hauraki, Kaitiaki, wisdom keeper, correspondent of the underworld, became my inspiring teacher, 40 years guiding, initiating me into the realm of Whaka Manu, Whaka Ika, to fly high above, to swim down deep into the embrace, Hapuu, accessing the wisdom of an old creation story Hawaiian and Maori elder confirmed in my work.


This story does not belong to me, and so I let it go out there, We are all being challenged in this time of imminent change to sing in the face of adversity, what I know to be held in the embrace of the black water singing. Please enjoy, there are many layers, Wai Korero is like that. The wisdom held in the world of Te Ao Maori, never goes away, it is always there for those who are prepared to listen.


Tomek was on camera, and once I entered that world there was no coming back to check, this is a one take doco, and we had some fun, and did our best.

Nga mihi Aroha ki a koutou

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